DISCOVER AND ATTAIN MORE KNOWLEDGE ON WHICH UNIVERSITY BEST SUITS you, and how qualified one should be in the domain of the international baccalaureate program (IBDP) to acquire an admission in a particular university
Digging into the point, for pursuing Engineering for higher studies there are specific guidelines and requirements which must be followed in the International Baccalaureate (IB). A number of universities in the U.S.A and in the U.K require you to take very particular and specific subject choices in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).
Total of 6 main fields in Engineering :-
1. Mechanical Engineering
2. Civil Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
4. Chemical Engineering
Developing in the recent years, we have -
1. Management Engineering
2. Geotechnical Engineering
In each of these fields there are a number of different types of Degrees you can achieve, there are a total of 40 different types Engineering Degrees in these fields. To obtain a better understanding and knowledge in what stream you may have interest and may want to pursue in the future, look through this website here:
Engineering takes 4 to 7 years to complete in the U.S.A and in the U.K approximately!
Subject Requirements in the IBDP - Higher Level (HL)/Standard Level (SL)
1. Maths HL - Calculus option
2. Physics HL
These two subjects are the most essential HL subjects you must opt for in the IBDP
1. Chemistry (HL/SL)
Depending on which stream of Engineering you are pursuing or desire you can choose which 3rd HL subject you prefer opting, but an ideal choice would be HL - Maths, Physics & Chemistry.
2. First Language SL
3. Second Language SL
4. A Humanity subject SL - (Economics, History, Geography, Psychology)
NOTE:- Remember this is the overall IBDP requirements for many universities in the U.S.A and in the U.K, there are some universities which may have slightly different requirements.
NOTE :- This article will mainly focus on Mechanical Engineering
Top 5 Mechanical Engineering universities in the U.S.A.
Mechanical Engineering
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

IB requirements :IB score: 7,7,6 for the HL subjects
Undergraduate students - MIT
Undergraduate cost / year - 2014/2015

Financial Aid:
90% of the students attending MIT receive some sort of financial aid such as loans, scholarships, jobs and 75% of the undergraduate students graduate.
“At MIT the largest source of undergraduate financial aid is the MIT scholarship, a need-based grant. These are packaged based on your family’s ability to contribute towards the price of your education.”
For more information on Financial Aid :-
2. Stanford University

IB requirements :
IB score: 7,7,6 for the HL subjects
Undergraduate students - Stanford University
Undergraduate cost / year - 2014/2015

Financial Aid:
“Approximately 70% of our students receive some form of aid to attend Stanford. About 58% receive aid from Stanford, including athletic scholarships. Last year 47% received need-based aid from Stanford and paid an average of $13,600 toward their bills.”
For more information:
3. University of California, Berkeley (UCB)

IB requirements :
IB score: 7,6,5 for the HL subjects
Undergraduate students - University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
Undergraduate cost / year - 2014/2015

Financial Aid
“Nearly two-thirds of undergraduate students almost 65% qualify for financial aid. Eligible graduate students may be awarded federal student loans and work-study.”
For more information:-
4. University of Michigan

IB requirements :
IB score: HL subjects with scores of 5 or above
Undergraduate students - University of Michigan
Undergraduate student cost / year - 2014/2015

Financial Aid
2 of 3 undergraduate students get financial aid.
“Whether it’s scholarships, grants, or connecting students to federal aid, the University of Michigan has numerous resources and ways to help eligible students and their families.”
For more information:-
5. Harvard University

IB requirements :
IB score: HL subjects with scores of 6 or above
Undergraduate students - Harvard University
Undergraduate student cost/year - 2014/2015

Financial Aid
“70% of Harvard students receive some form of financial aid. A Harvard education is more affordable than a state school for 90% of American families.”
For more information:-
More universities, best for Mechanical Engineering:-
1. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
2. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
3. Purdue University
4. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
5. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Top 5 Mechanical Engineering universities in the U.K.
1. Cambridge University

IB requirements :
IB score: 7,7,6 for the HL subjects
Undergraduate Students - Cambridge University

Financial Aid:
“If you're a Home fee status student, we don’t want financial considerations to stop you applying to the University and are committed to providing the financial support you need while you’re here. Cambridge Bursaries of up to £3,500 a year in 2018-19 are available to some UK and EU students studying for their first undergraduate degree to support living costs. Please refer to the Cambridge Bursary Scheme website for full information and eligibility.”
For information :-
2. Oxford University

IB requirements :
IB score: 7,6,6 for the HL subjects
Undergraduate Students - Oxford University

Financial Aid
“We are committed to ensuring students understand the costs and funding for them if they choose to apply to the University of Oxford. In 2018, we are offering generous non-repayable bursaries and scholarships to support undergraduates from lower-income households.”
For more information :-
3. Imperial College London

IB requirements :
IB score: HL subjects with score 6 or above
Undergraduate Students - Imperial College London

Financial Aid
“There is a range of UK Government funding available to help you with your tuition fees and living costs depending on where you're living, where you study and your own financial circumstances.”
For more information :-
4. Leeds

IB requirements :
IB score: 5,6,7 for HL subjects
Undergraduate Students - Leeds

Financial Aid
“We have a number of academic achievement scholarships for international students. If you are studying a science or engineering degree you may also be eligible for the Undergraduate Science and Engineering scholarship worth £2,000 a year.”
For more information :-
5. Bath

IB requirements :
IB score: HL subjects with score 5 or above
Undergraduate Students - Leeds
Financial Aid
“Undergraduates can get information and advice about financial support from Student Services. You may also be entitled to additional support from a University bursary. There are a number of scholarships available for eligible students. The tuition fee loan application process for Home/EU students is now available.”
For more information :-
More universities, best for Mechanical Engineering:-
6.) Lancaster
7.) Bristol
8.) Surrey
9.) University of College London
10.) Loughborough