Lily Yoko KuceraJul 20TV/MoviesChallengers: An in-depth, spoiler-free reviewChallengers, a movie directed by Luca Guadagnino and produced by none other than Zendaya, follows the story of 3 tennis players as they...
Safwaan IslamFeb 17TV/MoviesHollywood: Death of Original Content?2023 marked the year of some of the most stimulating movies and television series in recent history, with films such as Christopher...
Lulwa NAMANAug 4, 2021TV/MoviesWhy is High School Musical Such a Sensation?Can someone honestly claim not to know at least one musical number from the HSM trilogy by heart? Whether a superfan or have watched it...
Nations Voice Jan 8, 2019The ArtsThe Bird Box EffectA record-breaking 45 million Netflix accounts streamed Bird Box during its first week — over a third of Netflix’s 118 million subscribers...